Search Results

We found 12 results for the Generous Living category. Showing results 11 to 12.

Links to 10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

10 questions about year-end giving with a financial planner

Canadians are generous people! At Compassion Canada, we see that firsthand, especially in December. When the snow starts falling, we also see a flurry of year-end giving. With these gifts, we can help more children to be released from poverty in Jesus’ name and change the communities in which they live.   This year, we’ve […]

date: December 26, 2022
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Links to What does the Bible say about social justice?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

February 20th is World Day of Social Justice. As a child development organization, we love to champion days like today! We also know that the social justice we seek day in and day out is rooted in something much deeper than cultural movements or online trends. The social justice we seek is deeply rooted in Jesus.

date: February 16, 2021
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