Search Results

We found 108 results for the Resources category. Showing results 91 to 100.

Links to Who is my (Indigenous) neighbour?

Who is my (Indigenous) neighbour?

In this article: What can we learn from Canada’s treatment of First Peoples? Inspiring collaboration by local churches and the Shawi people in Peru and the Chachi people in Ecuador Ways forward together with our Indigenous neighbours around the world ____ Six-year-old Colin’s bright smile points to a happiness that is also traditionally represented by […]

date: August 8, 2019
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Links to “I am beautiful like my mother”

“I am beautiful like my mother”

Precious Karunia bubbles with life. Her sweet smile and joyful demeanor are magnetic.  She is resilient in a world that resists difference.  She is strong in the face of adversity. She embraces each day in her home of South Bongkudai with a joyful song on her lips— running and laughing with friends whimsical and care […]

date: July 25, 2019
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Links to The Church: the most powerful force against poverty

The Church: the most powerful force against poverty

On the edges of cosmopolitan Mexico City, sits a small community where most homes are made of cinder blocks or other makeshift materials. A young mother, Teresa, stands at her door—a tattered cloth that hangs over the opening of her home. A four-month-old baby sits on her hip, and a seven-year-old stands by her side.  Shortly […]

date: January 24, 2019
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Links to You’re invited to a Peruvian Christmas party!

You’re invited to a Peruvian Christmas party!

If you’re like me, you wish that you could spend Christmas with all your loved ones—including your Compassion child! But sometimes, whether it’s long highways or wide oceans, physical distance makes it nearly impossible. Well, we’ve got the next best thing. Bienvenido from one of our church partners in Peru! You’re invited to a very special […]

date: December 20, 2018
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Links to Love > Poverty: A Compassion podcast

Love > Poverty: A Compassion podcast

Welcome to Love > Poverty: A Compassion podcast, where we will explore the creative ways that Christians around the globe are joining in the movement of fighting poverty with love. Hosted by Joe Long of Compassion Canada, Love > Poverty features interviews with a diverse collection of Christian professionals from all spheres of the workplace, on topics […]

date: September 30, 2018
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Links to 6 Christmas gifts children in poverty receive from Compassion

6 Christmas gifts children in poverty receive from Compassion

Do you hear what I hear? The sights and sounds of Christmastime will soon be in the air, and we are ramping up for an exciting season of giving with Compassion’s annual Christmas Gift Fund— a giving campaign that provides sponsors and supporters like you a tangible way to bless every sponsored child around the […]

date: September 27, 2018
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Links to 5 DIY activities to help shape compassionate kids

5 DIY activities to help shape compassionate kids

At such a young age, how can we help our kids understand poverty and what part they play in it? Issues of unsafe water, food security, safe housing and income are so massive for little minds and can often go over their heads! For our kids, it may be hard to grasp what lacking basic […]

date: June 21, 2018
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Links to How are you uniquely wired to respond to poverty?

How are you uniquely wired to respond to poverty?

In 1 Corinthians 12, we are told that each person has different gifts with different functions. These gifts are each vitally important in coming together to form the Body of Christ. We’re not called to do everything, but we’re each called to do something. When it comes to responding to poverty, the same is true. […]

date: March 23, 2018
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Links to 7 questions about Christmas at Compassion

7 questions about Christmas at Compassion

Here at Compassion Canada we are busily preparing for Christmas. It is the most exciting time of year for us as we envision what awaits Compassion program participants around the world. We know how important it is for children and their sponsors to share in Christmas celebrations—even though we live so far apart. With the […]

date: October 19, 2017
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Links to 6 simple ways to make your Christmas card great

6 simple ways to make your Christmas card great

One of the most amazing aspects of sponsoring a child with Compassion is the way you get to speak courage, hope and love into their life. Your messages mean more than you can probably imagine. Maria, an 11-year-old from Peru, turned to her sponsor’s letters for hope and encouragement when her father walked out on […]

date: August 24, 2017
comments: 1 comment