Search Results

We found 109 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 61 to 70.

Links to Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

It happens to all of us. We pick out the perfect gift for someone, wrap it up and deliver it with lots of love. Then, time passes and you wonder… Did my gift have an impact? It is a joy to know the gifts we give have made an impact. We know it is no […]

date: December 3, 2021
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Links to Why Child Protection Workshops are essential to releasing kids from poverty

Why Child Protection Workshops are essential to releasing kids from poverty

Protecting children matters. It doesn’t take much convincing to agree on that. Protection and security are essential for children to thrive, so they are a core need that Compassion seeks to address for every child in our program. We could go as far as saying it is essential to the mission of releasing kids from […]

date: November 18, 2021
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Links to Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

Vulnerability—it’s the common denominator between poverty and natural disasters, particularly for children. With natural disasters increasing, it is more important than ever that children have safe, secure and present help in navigating these realities. “The link between poverty and vulnerability to disaster is undeniable. As a result, Compassion staff and church partners are often the […]

date: August 27, 2021
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Links to Celebrating the world’s Indigenous peoples and partnerships that honour and empower

Celebrating the world’s Indigenous peoples and partnerships that honour and empower

Worldwide, there are more than 476 million Indigenous people and 5,000 Indigenous people groups spread across at least 90 countries. Although Indigenous peoples make up just 5 per cent of the world’s population, they account for about 15 per cent of the global extreme poor. Indigenous people are nearly three times more likely to be […]

date: August 5, 2021
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Links to ‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations reports that the pandemic has halted or reversed years and even decades of development progress. This is the sobering reality highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021. The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are […]

date: July 29, 2021
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Links to Compassion helps Rwandan family reunite decades after genocide

Compassion helps Rwandan family reunite decades after genocide

 Christian was at a church service when he received a phone call that would change his life. Fifteen missed phone calls, to be exact. “I was in church when I realized I had 15 missed calls,” Christian shares. “My phone had been on silent mode. When I stepped out of the service to call […]

date: May 14, 2021
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Links to An International Women’s Day conversation with Allison Alley and Clare Steele

An International Women’s Day conversation with Allison Alley and Clare Steele

To mark International Women’s Day, Compassion Canada’s President and CEO, Allison Alley, and Compassion Australia’s CEO, Clare Steele, connected for a live conversation about the current challenges faced by women living in poverty and how we can respond. Watch the recording of their conversation below! In this livestream, Clare and Allison discuss: The stories of […]

date: March 10, 2021
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Links to Local churches stand up to protect girls from FGM

Local churches stand up to protect girls from FGM

Content warning: This article includes mention of violence that some readers may find disturbing. We recommend that you read with discretion. As 16-year-old Sarah approached the compound where her family lives, she was intercepted by her frantic mother, Zuri. “What are you doing here?” Zuri said. “Go back!” In that moment, Sarah knew she had […]

date: February 2, 2021
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Links to Compassion achieves globally recognized certification in child protection

Compassion achieves globally recognized certification in child protection

Compassion International has achieved Level One Certification from Keeping Children Safe (KCS), an internationally recognized child safeguarding organization. In this article, we outline the process and our commitment to protecting the children we serve.

date: February 2, 2021
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Links to Meet Kader, Burkina Faso’s top visually impaired student and a President’s Prize winner

Meet Kader, Burkina Faso’s top visually impaired student and a President’s Prize winner

In the slums of Burkina Faso, new mother Florence was forced to watch helplessly as a disease took her son’s sight. As a single mother living in poverty, she was unable to afford a visit to the doctor, and Kader lost his vision just before his fifth birthday. “I was powerless and felt desperate as […]

date: January 20, 2021
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