Search Results

We found 109 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 101 to 109.

Links to Faces of dignity: Why people in poverty don’t want handouts

Faces of dignity: Why people in poverty don’t want handouts

One thing we all share in common as humanity is a God-given desire to contribute to the world at large and God-given abilities to do so. That’s why most people living in extreme poverty don’t want a handout—they want a sustainable way to provide for themselves and their families. They want the pride of hard […]

date: December 6, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to Where are they now? 10 child sponsorship success stories

Where are they now? 10 child sponsorship success stories

Do you ever wonder what sponsored children will become when they grow up? Or reflect on your own childhood dreams? At Compassion, we believe in dreaming big. We refuse to let poverty steal hope: our hope for the children in our programs, our hope for tomorrow and our hope to end extreme poverty in the […]

date: November 30, 2017
comments: 1 comment
Links to The 10 most dangerous animals in the world

The 10 most dangerous animals in the world

Can you guess what the most dangerous animal in the world is? Here’s a hint: It’s small, and it kills 14 times more people than the second most dangerous animal.

date: November 10, 2017
comments: 10 comments
Links to 11 beautiful photos of “tiny homes” around the world

11 beautiful photos of “tiny homes” around the world

The “tiny home” movement is sweeping North America—many people are beginning to embrace a simpler way of life, moving to homes that count their square footage in the hundreds rather than the thousands. They realize that happiness can be achieved with far less than they might have originally thought. But tiny homes are nothing new. […]

date: November 3, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to Why do people living in poverty have large families?

Why do people living in poverty have large families?

At Compassion we believe that every child is a joy and a blessing. We know from the psalmist that “children are a gift from the Lord.” Families come in all sizes—some are small and some are large. But there’s one question we sometimes hear from those living in Western cultures: when income is scarce and […]

date: January 23, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to A drink of clean water

A drink of clean water

Most of India’s rural population does not have access to safe water and sanitation. The World Bank estimates 21 per cent of communicable diseases in India are from using unsafe water. Diarrhea claims more than 1,600 lives each day. Illiteracy and lack of knowledge about basic hygiene continue to affect the health of children and […]

date: March 21, 2014
comments: 0 comments
Links to A future for street kids

A future for street kids

According to UN stats, there are up to 150 million children worldwide living on the streets today. Some have had no choice. They were orphaned, abandoned or disowned by their parents. Some have faced war or natural disasters and have no home to return to. Others have opted to brave the dangers of street life […]

date: January 31, 2014
comments: 0 comments
Links to Toilet Talk

Toilet Talk

Let’s take a moment to talk about toilets. Yes, potty talk is usually discouraged. But we’re going to break the rules for a moment because as awkward as it is to talk about them, toilets are important. In many communities where Compassion works, there aren’t many toilets. Doing your business out in the open is […]

date: November 19, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to Kaitlin’s Legacy

Kaitlin’s Legacy

Kaitlin Boyda, a 17-year-old girl from Lethbridge, Alberta, struggled with an incurable brain tumour since the summer of 2009. While other kids her age were busy texting and thinking about prom, she went through two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. But when the Children’s Wish Foundation approached Kaitlin to grant her a wish to brighten her […]

date: March 11, 2013
comments: 7 comments