Search Results

We found 109 results for the Global Program category. Showing results 91 to 100.

Links to Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

As a Christian ministry, we get this question frequently. But the idea that we only serve Christian children couldn’t be farther from the truth! Our goal is to serve and empower local churches around the world to effectively minister to children and families living in poverty—regardless of their religious beliefs. What do we mean by […]

date: February 28, 2019
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Links to Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

The world was dark when Uncle’s stick came rattling at the door. Forced up from the depths of sleep, Ebenezer broke the surface of his dream and rolled to his feet before the man could whip him awake. He followed the line of boys out of the grimy compound and down to the water’s edge; […]

date: February 6, 2019
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Links to The Church: the most powerful force against poverty

The Church: the most powerful force against poverty

On the edges of cosmopolitan Mexico City, sits a small community where most homes are made of cinder blocks or other makeshift materials. A young mother, Teresa, stands at her door—a tattered cloth that hangs over the opening of her home. A four-month-old baby sits on her hip, and a seven-year-old stands by her side.  Shortly […]

date: January 24, 2019
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Links to Displaced by war, these families have found new hope

Displaced by war, these families have found new hope

Eleven-year-old Thidarat from Thailand is afraid of two things: Snakes—not surprising, given that she lives near the homeland of the Burmese python—and war. She lives in a peaceful village on the border of Myanmar, but the memory of war still casts a shadow of fear over many of her neighbours, nearly all of whom fled […]

date: July 6, 2018
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Links to Does child sponsorship empower youth to get jobs?

Does child sponsorship empower youth to get jobs?

Through child sponsorship, children in Compassion’s program are developed in so many ways—physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually. But does sponsorship actually equip children to get jobs once they graduate? As we have developed our program over the years, we have moved to put an even greater emphasis on equipping young people to provide for themselves. […]

date: May 18, 2018
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Links to 5 strong women of the Bible and their modern counterparts

5 strong women of the Bible and their modern counterparts

Strong women inspire me. From young girls using their voices to grandmothers raising up the next generation to be confident in themselves, it’s amazing to witness courageous women in action. And in a time where equality is still fiercely fought for, we want to honour some of the great women of the Bible whose strength […]

date: May 10, 2018
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Links to How does Compassion protect sponsored children from abuse?

How does Compassion protect sponsored children from abuse?

Trigger warning: This post contains content about sexual abuse and violence which may be triggering to some readers. People living in extreme poverty are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet. They often are in desperate need of basic necessities, they often lack a public voice to speak up for their rights, and […]

date: April 27, 2018
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Links to After genocide: An astonishing story of forgiveness and redemption

After genocide: An astonishing story of forgiveness and redemption

Warning: This account contains disturbing details of violence. Jean Claude, a Compassion alumnus, forgave the one who tortured and murdered his family—and even provided for his son’s education.*  I was born in the country of Rwanda in Kigali City, but I was born in a poor family where getting food was a problem. Where going […]

date: April 6, 2018
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Links to Suffering in silence: The menstruation taboo

Suffering in silence: The menstruation taboo

This International Women’s Day, let’s talk about something we don’t usually talk about: menstruation. Every day, more than 800 million women between the ages of 15 and 49 are menstruating. And yet monthly menstruation is a globally stigmatized issue shrouded in silence, secrecy and shame. It’s a topic that can be embarrassing to talk about, […]

date: March 8, 2018
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Links to Where do you get your water? 8 photos from around the world

Where do you get your water? 8 photos from around the world

When you need a glass of water, need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? In 2019, access to clean water might not seem like an issue that we should still be […]

date: March 6, 2018
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