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We found 25 results for the Compassion News category. Showing results 11 to 20.
We are saddened by the passing of David MacLeod, who served as Compassion Canada’s second President from 1983 to 1993. David MacLeod was a godly leader and passionate advocate for the mission in which he invested ten years of his life. He was appointed President of Compassion Canada after serving as President of Gideons International, […]
Compassion Canada named one of Canada’s Top 100 Charities for 2021
Compassion Canada has once again been named one of Canada’s Top 100 Rated Charities by Charity Intelligence, based on financial integrity and demonstrated impact. Charity Intelligence notes that its approach to this annual list is to look “behind the gloss, at a charity’s results, costs and impact” so that Canadians can give with confidence. “We […]
Kirk Franklin re-releases “Lean on Me” with The Compassion Youth Choir
Get the song Following an early 2020 trip with Compassion to the Dominican Republic, Grammy-winning gospel artist Kirk Franklin felt God telling him to use his musical talents to inspire and encourage youth around the world. Watch: Kirk shares why he chose to get involved with The Compassion Youth Choir In late 2020, Kirk began […]
Compassion Canada named one of Canada’s Highest Rated Charities
Compassion Canada was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Rated Charities for 2020, and one of the highest rated charities on Charity Intelligence’s International Aid list.
How technology is helping in the fight against poverty
Have you ever wondered the role technology could play in poverty reduction? Read about COmpassion’s unique partnership with Microsoft to change communities
The top ten of Compassion Canada’s CEO Succession Gala
[5 minute read] On October 25, the Compassion family gathered to mark a significant milestone in Compassion Canada’s history.
Compassion Canada named one of Canada’s Best Charities in 2020
Compassion Canada was named by Maclean’s magazine as one of Canada’s Best Charities in 2020.
The list, vetted and released each year by the magazine, is compiled to help Canadians “make smarter, more effective decisions about charitable giving,” especially in the lead up to the Christmas giving season.
Allison Alley becomes Compassion Canada’s new President and CEO
Allison Alley became the 4th President of Compassion Canada on October 25, 2019
Celebrating Barry: 36 faithful years
Faithfulness. In my role as chair of Compassion Canada’s board of directors, I’ve had ten years to work closely with Barry Slauenwhite and observe this fruit of the Spirit exemplified in his life and work. Barry is a hard worker, always willing to take on the extra assignment. There were many times when he travelled […]
Thank you for loving and protecting two million children!
Today, we are celebrating an exciting milestone. There are now two million children being cared for in Compassion’s programs by more than 7,000 local churches in 25 countries. That’s two million lives being released from poverty in Jesus’ name because of the compassion, dedication and generosity of our church partners and supporters like you. Thank […]